
Natural Science Mind Map on ANIMAL KINGDOM, created by Juana García Barba on 14/04/2019.
Juana García Barba
Mind Map by Juana García Barba, updated more than 1 year ago
Juana García Barba
Created by Juana García Barba almost 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

    1. MAMMALS
      1. They are viviparous: they are born their mother's womb
        1. They drink their mother's milk
          1. Most of mammals live on the land
            1. They have got fur or hair
              1. They have got four legs
                1. They are warm blooded
                  1. They have got lungs
                  2. BIRDS
                    1. They are oviparous: They are born from eggs
                      1. They have got feathers, wings and a beak
                        1. They have got 2 legs
                          1. Most of birds can fly
                            1. They are warm blooded
                            2. FISH
                              1. They are oviparous:They are born from eggs. They lay many egss
                                1. They live in the water
                                  1. They have got scales and fins
                                    1. They have got gills to breathe
                                      1. They are cold blooded
                                      2. REPTILES
                                        1. They are oviparous: They are born from eggs
                                          1. They have got scales or dry skin
                                            1. They have got four legs or no legs
                                              1. They are cold blooded
                                              2. AMPHIBIANS
                                                1. They are cold blooded
                                                  1. They are oviparous. They are born from eggs
                                                    1. They have got moist smooth skin
                                                      1. They live on land and in water
                                                      2. They have got a backbone
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