When to use the Present Continuous or the Simple Present?


A small mental map to help choose when to use the simple present or the present continuous.
Angela Alca
Mind Map by Angela Alca, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Vladimir Alexander Lagos
Created by Vladimir Alexander Lagos about 8 years ago
Angela Alca
Copied by Angela Alca over 5 years ago

Resource summary

When to use the Present Continuous or the Simple Present?
  1. Simple Present Tense
    1. Estados permanente (ser de un país, vivir en un país...)
      1. Hábitos y rutinas (adverbios de frecuencia)
        1. Cuando:
          1. Every (day, night, morning, week, month, year)
            1. Adverbs of frequency (usually, always, generally, often, sometimes, rarely, never)
              1. Once (a day, week) Twice (a day, week)
              2. Verdades y hechos permanantes (sol sale por este...)
                1. Structure:
                  1. SUJETO + INFINITIVO (+S 3r p. singular)
                    1. SUJETO + DON'T/DOESN'T + INFINITIVO
                      1. DO/DOESN'T + SUJETO + INFINITIVO....?
                    2. Present Continuous Tense
                      1. Acciones ocurren momento hablar (ahora)
                        1. Acciones suceden alrededor momento hablar
                          1. Descripciones
                            1. Situaciones temporales
                              1. Now, Right now, Just now, At present, In this moment, At six o'clock, At the moment
                                1. Forma:
                                  1. SUJETO + AM/ARE/IS + INFINITIVO -ING
                                    1. SUJETO + AM NOT/ARN'T/ISN'T + INFINITIVO -ING
                                      1. [W/h] + AM/ARE/IS + SUJETO + INFINITIVO -ING
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