The lantern (a Ramadan story)


Mind Map on The lantern (a Ramadan story), created by Arthur Amaral on 29/08/2013.
Arthur Amaral
Mind Map by Arthur Amaral, updated more than 1 year ago
Arthur Amaral
Created by Arthur Amaral over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The lantern (a Ramadan story)
  1. Young Prince
    1. Run Away into the Jungle
      1. He's Mom died
        1. Have a pet Pigeon
          1. Found a ghouls grand palace
            1. Ghouls arrested the prince
              1. Ghouls send pigeon to Prince home
            2. Son of Caliph
              1. safe by your father
                1. Caliph
                  1. Cried when his son run away
                    1. Caliph received the pidgeon
                      1. Follow the pidgeon
                      2. Save your son
                        1. Comemorate the begginig Ramadan month
                        2. Princess
                          1. Caliph's sister
                            1. Suggested everyone have a candle
                            2. Save your Brother
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