Marketing Environment


Mind Map on Marketing Environment, created by belen hermosilla on 04/06/2019.
belen  hermosilla
Mind Map by belen hermosilla, updated more than 1 year ago
belen  hermosilla
Created by belen hermosilla over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Marketing Environment
  1. the actors and force outside marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationship with target customers
    1. The macroenvironment
      1. the larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment
        1. demographic enviroment
          1. is the study of human populations in terms of size,density, and others statistics
          2. economic enviroment
            1. consists of economic factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patternws.The economic enviroment can offer both opportunities and threats.
            2. natural enviroment
              1. natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities.
              2. technological enviroment
                1. forces that create new technologies, creating new product and market opportunities
                2. political enviroment
                  1. groups that influence or limit organazations and individuals in a given society.
                  2. cultural enviroment
                    1. forces that affect a society's basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors. They absorb a worldview that defines their relationship with others.
                3. The microenvironment
                  1. the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers
                    1. company:
                      1. marketers must work in harmony with other company department to create customer valve and relationship
                        1. example: walmart's marketers can't promise us low prices unless ilais operations deparlments delivers low coast.
                      2. suppliers
                        1. supliers from an important link in the company's overall customers value delivery network. They provide the resources needed by the company to comany to produce its goods and services.
                          1. example: Toyotas knows the importance of bulding close relationship with its supliers
                        2. marketing intermediaris
                          1. firms that help the company to promote, sell and distribute its good to final buyers. They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries.
                            1. example: Lexus can't create a high-qualy ownership experience for its customers unless ils suppliers provide quality parts and its dealera provide high sales and services quality.
                          2. customers
                            1. are the most important actors in the company's microenviroment.
                              1. types: consumer markets, business markets, reseller markets, goverment markets, internacional markets
                            2. competitors
                              1. the mkt concept sates that to be succesful, a company mast provide grater customer value and satisfaction than its competitors do.-
                                1. example: in a competition situaciones, the two competing bussines are indirect competitors. They contrast with direct competitors,who not only target the same customer group, but also sell the same thing for examploe pizza hut and dominos pizza, both sell pizza
                              2. publics
                                1. is any gruop that has an actual, impact on an organization`s ability to achieve its objectives.
                                  1. example: financial publics, media publics, government publics, citizen action publics, local publics, general public, internal public.
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