Communicative Language Teaching Today


Mind Map on Communicative Language Teaching Today, created by Natalia Ramirez on 20/08/2019.
Natalia  Ramirez
Mind Map by Natalia Ramirez , updated more than 1 year ago
Natalia  Ramirez
Created by Natalia Ramirez over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Communicative Language Teaching Today
  1. The Background to CLT
    1. Phase 1: Traditional Approaches
      1. Grammatical competence
        1. direct instruction
          1. a deductive approach
            1. repetitive practice and drilling
          2. Phase 2: Classic Communicative Language Teaching
            1. Communicative competence
              1. Learning purposes
                1. Setting
                  1. Social role
                    1. communicative events
                      1. language functions
                        1. discourse and rhetorical skills
                          1. notions
                            1. grammatical content
                              1. variety
                                1. lexical content
                                  1. Proposals for a Communicative Syllabus
                                    1. A skills-based syllabus
                                      1. A functional syllabus
                                      2. the ESP movement.
                                  2. What is it?
                                    1. Its goal
                                      1. Being able to use the language for meaningful communication
                                      2. How Learners Learn a Language
                                        1. Negotiation of meaning, attending to the feedback and experimenting with different ways of saying things
                                        2. Kinds of Classroom Activities
                                          1. Pair and group work activities
                                          2. The Roles of Teachers and Learners in the Classroom
                                            1. Teacher as facilitator and monitor
                                          3. Classroom Activities in CLT
                                            1. Fluency activities
                                              1. meaningful use of language
                                              2. Practice
                                                1. Mechanical
                                                  1. controlled practice activity
                                                  2. Meaningful
                                                    1. language control and meaningful choices
                                                    2. Communicative
                                                      1. real communicative context
                                                  3. Current Trends in CLT
                                                    1. Learner autonomy
                                                      1. The social nature of learning
                                                        1. Curricular integration
                                                          1. Focus on meaning
                                                            1. Diversity
                                                              1. Thinking skills
                                                                1. Alternative assessment
                                                                  1. Teachers as co-learners
                                                                  2. Process-Based CLT Approaches
                                                                    1. Content-Based Instruction
                                                                      1. It stresses that the content or subject matter of teaching drives the whole language learning process
                                                                      2. Task-Based Instruction
                                                                      3. Product-Based CLT Approaches
                                                                        1. Text-Based Instruction
                                                                          1. It sees communicative competence as involving the mastery of different types of texts
                                                                          2. Competency-Based Instruction
                                                                            1. It seeks to teach students the basic skills they need in order to prepare them for situations they commonly encounter in everyday life
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