The Network


Sebastian  Perdomo
Mind Map by Sebastian Perdomo, updated more than 1 year ago
Sebastian  Perdomo
Created by Sebastian Perdomo over 5 years ago

Resource summary

The Network
  1. Networks have changed our lives
    1. Networks of Many Sizes
      1. Networks come in all sizes. They can range from simple networks consisting of two computes to millions of devices.
        1. Small Home Networks
          1. Small Office/Home Office Networks
            1. Medium to Large Networks
              1. World Wide Networks
            2. Clients and Servers
              1. Servers are computers with software that enable them to provide information, like email or web pages
              2. Peer-to-Peer
                1. Overview of Network Components
                  1. Devices
                    1. Media
                      1. Services
                      2. Intermediary Network Devices
                        1. Intermediary devices connect the individual end devices to the network and can connect multiple individual networks to form an internetwork.
                        2. Network Media
                          1. Cooper
                            1. Fiber-Optic
                              1. Wireless
                              2. Topology Diagrams
                                1. Physical topology diagrams
                                  1. Logical topology diagrams
                                  2. Types of Networks
                                    1. Local Area Network (LAN)
                                      1. Wide Area Network (WAN)
                                        1. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
                                          1. Wireless LAN (WLAN)
                                          2. The Internet
                                            1. The Internet is a worldwide collection of interconnected networks
                                            2. Intranets and Extranets
                                              1. Internet Access Technologies
                                                1. Home and Small Office Internet Connections
                                                  1. Cable
                                                    1. DSL - Digital Subscriber Lines
                                                      1. Cellular
                                                        1. Satellite
                                                        2. Businesses Internet Connections
                                                          1. Dedicated Leased Line
                                                            1. Ethernet WAN
                                                              1. DSL - Business DSL
                                                                1. Satellite
                                                                2. Network Architecture
                                                                  1. New Trends
                                                                    1. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
                                                                      1. Online collaboration
                                                                        1. Video communications
                                                                          1. Cloud computing
                                                                          2. Powerline Networking
                                                                            1. Wireless Broadband
                                                                              1. Security Threats
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