

tarea technology
Gabriella Virto
Mind Map by Gabriella Virto, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriella Virto
Created by Gabriella Virto about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What is Flash?
    1. s a design software developed by Adobe. It allows creating animations, flashy designs for the Internet and attractive interactive graphics for computers and mobile devices,
      1. Graphic Design Concepts
        1. Animation: is a process that gives the sensation of movement to images, drawings or objects.
          1. Layer: Helps you organize the objects within the document in a Timeline
            1. Frame: Define the presence of an element within a stage in an animation.
              1. Scene: they generate an entity, which have their own Timeline and frames, and help you create sections or parts to have a bigger animation.
                1. Storyboard: Is the group of images sequentially arranged to create an animation perceived through a graphic media.
                  1. Shape: Used to create objects with the drawing tool.
                    1. Stroke: Lines of different more or less width that the shape of the object has
                      1. Dimension: The movie size.
                      2. Animation is the process of creating motion and shape change illusion by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other.
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