
Superlative diagram
carlos ordoñez
Mind Map by carlos ordoñez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Nathaly Villamil
Created by Nathaly Villamil over 7 years ago
carlos ordoñez
Copied by carlos ordoñez about 5 years ago

Resource summary

    1. They are divided into different classes or types, since you can find them in superlative adjectives of a syllable and those containing two syllables.
      1. SHORT
        1. Big
          1. The biggest
            1. Heavy
              1. The heaviest
                1. Nice
                  1. The nicest
                    1. my mom is the nicest woman
                    2. Hulk is the heaviest superhero
                    3. New York is the biggest city in the world
                  2. LONG
                    1. Expensive
                      1. The most expensive
                        1. Beautiful
                          1. The most beautiful
                            1. Serious
                              1. The most serious
                                1. my girlfriend is the most serious woman
                                2. the orchid is the most beautiful flower
                                3. Direct tv is the most expensive cable in the country
                              2. Irregular adjectives
                                1. GOOD
                                  1. BAD
                                    1. FAR
                                      1. THE FARTHEST
                                        1. The Amazon is the farthest department of Colombia
                                        2. THE WORST
                                          1. Coke is the worst drink
                                          2. THE BEST
                                            1. industrial engineering is the best of careers
                                      2. The superlative adjectives can be said to be the major degree of adjectives that are intended to exaggerate the goodness or qualities of a person, object or environment, they are also used to buy in their comparative adjective form.
                                        1. CARLOS ANDRES ORDOÑEZ SARASTY
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