It relates to the creations of the mind:
inventions, literary and artistic works, as
well As symbols, names and images used in
Intellectual property is divided into two
categories: Industrial property, which
covers invention patents, trademarks,
industrial designs and geographical
Promoting an effective and
equitable intellectual
property system can
contribute to all countries
exploiting the potential of
intellectual property as a
catalyst for economic
development and social and
cultural well-being.
Advantages: Intellectual property rights reward
creativity and human effort, which stimulate the
progress of humanity. Here are some examples: the
multimillion dollar film, music, publishing and
computer industries, which make the lives of
millions of people more enjoyable, would not exist
without copyright protection; without the rewards
provided in the patent system, Consumers would
not buy products or services with confidence if there
were no reliable mechanisms of international scope
to protect brands and combat counterfeiting and
World Intellectual Property Organization
Created in 1970, the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) is an international organization
whose objective is to ensure the protection of the rights
of creators and owners of intellectual property
worldwide and, therefore, contribute to its recognition
and the ingenuity of inventors, authors and artists is
A patent is an exclusive right granted on an invention - the
product or process that constitutes a new way of doing
something, or proposes a new technical solution to a
problem. The holder of a patent enjoys protection for his
invention; protection is granted for a limited period, which is
usually 20 years
Why are patents necessary? Patents constitute an incentive
because they represent a recognition of creativity and give the
possibility of obtaining a material reward for marketable
inventions. These incentives encourage innovation that, in turn,
improves the quality of life.
What kind of protection does the patent offer? A
patent protected invention cannot be manufactured,
used, distributed or sold for commercial purposes
without the consent of the patent holder.
What rights does the owner of a patent enjoy? The owner of a patent has the
right to decide who can - or not - use the patented invention during the period in
which it is protected.
¿Qué función desempeñan las patentes en la vida cotidiana? Las
invenciones patentadas están presentes en todos los aspectos de la
vida humana, desde la luz eléctrica (patentes de Edison y Swan)
hasta las máquinas de coser (patentes de Howe y Singer), pasando
por los instrumentos para obtener imágenes por resonancia
magnética (patentes de Damadian) y el iPhone (patentes de Apple).
How do you get a patent? The first step in
obtaining a patent is to submit an application.
The patent application generally contains the
title of the invention, as well as an indication
of its technical scope.