Stephanie zamora yanez


this my conceptual map about simple past
stephanie zamora yanez
Mind Map by stephanie zamora yanez , updated more than 1 year ago
stephanie zamora yanez
Created by stephanie zamora yanez over 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Stephanie zamora yanez
  1. english work
    1. heald administration
      1. simple past
        1. regular verbs
          1. example
            1. regular past verbs are added
          2. irregular verbs
            1. irregular verbs change
              1. there is no rule for this
              2. list of verbs
                1. cook
                  1. give
                    1. wash
                      1. drink
                        1. eat
                          1. walk
                            1. plant
                              1. there is no rule to know when a verb is regular or irregular
                                1. we have to memorize them
                                2. they planed fltsideowers out side
                                3. they washed the dishes
                                4. we eat
                                  1. we eat pizza for dinner
                                    1. sentences in the simple past
                                      1. we ate pizza for dinner
                                5. we drink milk in the morning
                                  1. sentences in the simple past
                                    1. we drank milk in the morning
                                6. they washed the dishes
                                7. example with a sentences
                                  1. I give lost of hugs to my daughter
                                8. is a regular verbs
                                  1. example with a sentences
                                    1. I cooked chicken for lunch
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