verb TO BE


simple- present, past, future
andrea alvarado
Mind Map by andrea alvarado, updated more than 1 year ago
andrea alvarado
Created by andrea alvarado about 5 years ago

Resource summary

verb TO BE
    1. I
      1. am / am not
      2. HE, SHE IT
        1. is / is not
        2. YOU, WE THEY
          1. are / are not
        3. SIMPLE PAST
          1. I
            1. was / was not
            2. HE, SHE, IT
              1. was / was not
              2. YOU, WE, THEY
                1. were / were not
              3. SIMPLE FUTURE
                1. I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY
                  1. will be / wont be
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