
Cuarto Ciencias Naturales Mind Map on VERTEBRATES, created by Mikel Zubizarreta Mazariegos on 07/01/2020.
Mikel Zubizarreta Mazariegos
Mind Map by Mikel Zubizarreta Mazariegos, updated more than 1 year ago
Mikel Zubizarreta Mazariegos
Created by Mikel Zubizarreta Mazariegos almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Birds
    1. Nutricion
      1. Some birds are carnivorours
        1. Example:eagle
        2. Some birds are omnivorours
          1. Example:hen
          2. Some birds are herbivorours
            1. Example:toucan
          3. Reproduction
            1. The birds reproduce by eggs and are oviparous
            2. Respiration
              1. The birds respirate by lungs
              2. Birds blood it is hot
                1. The birds live in nest
                  1. All the birds have fethers
                  2. Mammals
                    1. Nutricion
                      1. The mammals can be carnivorers
                        1. Example:lion
                        2. The mammals can be herbivores
                          1. Example:rino
                          2. The mammals can be omnivorers
                            1. Example:bear
                            2. They produce milk
                            3. Reproduction
                              1. Mammals are viviparous
                              2. Respiration
                                1. The mammals respirate by lungs
                                2. hot blood
                                  1. The mammals live in earth and on water
                                  2. Fish
                                    1. Reproduction
                                      1. The fish are oviparous
                                      2. The fish live in the see
                                        1. The fish has cold blood
                                          1. Respiration
                                            1. The fish respirate by gills
                                            2. Nutrition
                                              1. Some fish can be it plants souch as the parrotfish
                                                1. Some fish can be it other fish souch as the piranha
                                                  1. Some fish can be it ebry tipe of nutrients souch as the sardine
                                                  2. All the fish have scales
                                                  3. Reptiles
                                                    1. Reproduction
                                                      1. The reptiles are oviparous
                                                      2. Respiration
                                                        1. The reptiles respirate by lungs
                                                        2. Reptiles has cold blood
                                                          1. Nutrition
                                                            1. The reptiles can be carnivers souch as the crocodile
                                                              1. The reptile can be herbivores souch as the tortle
                                                                1. The reptiles can be omnivorers
                                                                2. Reptiles can be live in the water an in the earth
                                                                  1. All the reptiles have scales
                                                                  2. Anfhibian
                                                                    1. Nutricion
                                                                      1. All anfhibians ar carnivorours
                                                                      2. Anfhibian live in water and quen are young in earth
                                                                        1. Anfhibian has cold blood
                                                                          1. Reproduction
                                                                            1. Anfhibian reproduce by eggs
                                                                            2. Respiration
                                                                              1. By gills quen are young and lungs quen are old
                                                                              2. Moist thin skin
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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