Elementary 2 English Course


Distance English learning course
Marco Teacher
Mind Map by Marco Teacher, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
eugenia galletti
Created by eugenia galletti over 8 years ago
Marco Teacher
Copied by Marco Teacher almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Elementary 2 English Course
  1. Unit 1
    1. Lesson 1: World leaders
      1. Verb to be (aff/neg/interr)
      2. Lesson 2: Regular verbs
        1. Lesson 3: Irregular verbs
          1. Lesson 4: Asking questions
            1. Verb to be, regular and irregular verbs - question words
            2. Lesson 5: Adverbs
            3. Unit 2
              1. Lesson 1: There is a mess!
                1. There is/are (aff/neg/interr)- Rooms and furniture
                2. Lesson 2: Where is it?
                  1. There was/were-prepositions of place- adjectives
                  2. Lesson 3: What are you doing?
                    1. Present Continuous (aff/neg/interr)
                    2. Lesson 4: Everyday or at the moment
                      1. Present Continuous /Simple Present
                    3. Unit 3
                      1. Lesson1: What's for lunch?
                        1. Un/Countable nouns - quantifiers a/an, some and any
                        2. Lesson 2: How much do you need?
                          1. How much/how many. Quantifiers a lot/ not much.
                          2. Lesson 3: My plans
                            1. Going to future (aff/neg)
                          3. Unit 4
                            1. Lesson 1: Shorter but younger!
                              1. Comparative adj (long and short forms)
                              2. Lesson 2: The strangest things
                                1. Superlative adj (long and short forms)
                                2. Lesson 3: Better and better
                                  1. Irregular comparative and superlative adjectives
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