What causes extintion


Mind Map on What causes extintion, created by Aroa Vizcaíno Hernánz on 06/02/2020.
Aroa Vizcaíno Hernánz
Mind Map by Aroa Vizcaíno Hernánz, updated more than 1 year ago
Aroa Vizcaíno Hernánz
Created by Aroa Vizcaíno Hernánz almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

What causes extintion
  1. Definition:if a species disappears, this can have a huge impact on a food web.
    1. If one city get larger, there is less space for living things, to exist in their natural habitat.
      1. Cars and large factories cause air and water pollution.
      2. Gloval warming:human activities produce large amounts of greenhouse gas, wich increase gloval warming. Gloval warming causes Artic snow and ice melting.And can causes the temperature of the oceans to rise
        1. Deforestation;where large numbers of trees are cut down, is a major cause of habitat destruction.
          1. Importante que veáis:
          2. Many species of animals are under threat due to overfishing and overhunting.
            1. All of these changes can cause an entire species to die, resulting in extinction.
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