Pathos in Battle


Luz Telles
Mind Map by Luz Telles, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by mouldybiscuit over 9 years ago
Luz Telles
Copied by Luz Telles over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Pathos in Battle
  1. Youth dying
    1. E is introduced to us as beautiful and young
      1. less experienced in battle: E
        1. because E is caught and killed, N is killed too
          1. poignant
            1. futile
            2. 'both young and old'
              1. members of society that should be protected
                1. dramatic + tense + sad
                2. Loss of heroes
                  1. Volcens dies
                    1. good leader
                      1. could lead 300 men
                        1. authoritative
                      2. victims of E's berzerk
                        1. Rhoetus loses his dignity
                          1. dies brutally
                            1. hides behind a large bowl
                            2. 'Fadus and Herbesus... Rhoetus and Abaris'
                              1. names of soldiers
                                1. they fought too
                              2. N dies
                                1. E dies, so he does too
                              3. People change/ Bloodlust
                                1. 'No less was the slaughter of E'
                                  1. shocking since he looks like a boy
                                  2. 'He went for Fadus...'
                                    1. he was first introduced to us as good
                                      1. kills the innocent
                                      2. 'Enough punishment has been made'
                                        1. first time E doesn't listen to N
                                          1. punishment for what?
                                            1. vengence
                                          2. Man vs Nature
                                            1. 'the deceptive woods'
                                              1. Pathetic fallacy
                                                1. soldiers begin to doubt everything: paranoid
                                                  1. futility of war
                                                    1. the best of nature seems dark
                                                2. 'shadow of the night'
                                                  1. inevitable death
                                                    1. futility of war
                                                  2. 'fear deceived him'
                                                    1. feelings take control instead of becoming more stoic
                                                      1. Men are weak
                                                      2. 'just as a purple flower cut down by the plough'
                                                        1. Man wins by force and by picking on those that are weak
                                                      3. Nisus and Euryalus
                                                        1. N throws himself to save E
                                                          1. both die
                                                            1. N and E were always together
                                                              1. their friendship dies
                                                                1. it is forgotten in the story
                                                                  1. Virgil believes their story will carry on to be told
                                                                    1. because he wrote it down
                                                                  2. Without E, N feels lost
                                                                    1. first time N feels fear
                                                                      1. is when he is without E
                                                                    2. Lust for glory
                                                                      1. 'for the glory of the deed is enough for me'
                                                                        1. soldiers try to become respected but that leads to dangerous tasks
                                                                          1. ironic: N is remembered to be a good friend not a good warior
                                                                            1. lives reduced to dying in glory
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