What is languange


Mind Map on What is languange, created by Fernanda Ramirez on 13/02/2020.
Fernanda  Ramirez
Mind Map by Fernanda Ramirez, updated more than 1 year ago
Fernanda  Ramirez
Created by Fernanda Ramirez almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

What is languange
  1. Form
    1. Structure of the languange
      1. concerned with the shape of language
        1. system of rules and patterns
          1. interested in the individual sounds that are possible in a language
          2. Function
            1. identifying patterns
              1. role of parts of a sentence
                1. content of the message is of primary importance, not the form.
                2. Mentalist/Internal
                  1. mind: refers to the more philosophical understanding of how mental processes work.
                    1. Generativists present a model of language which separates language from other mental functions
                      1. Mentalist investigations explore language through two basic types of methodology
                        1. psycholinguistic method
                          1. argue that language knowledge is automatic, operating without our conscious control or awareness.
                          2. philosophical method
                            1. depends on logical arguments regarding the nature of language
                        2. Interactionist/External
                          1. sees language as the same type of knowledge as other types of knowledge, and mental processing as one process without special distinctions
                          2. Linguistics
                            1. knowledge of language that we possess, whether we are explicitly aware of it or not
                            2. Metalinguistics
                              1. knowledge that an individual has about the knowledge of language
                                1. Descriptive grammar
                                  1. set of grammar rules that we can explicitly teach and learn.
                                  2. prescriptive grammar
                                    1. dictates what rules of language should be adhered, regardless of what the speakers of the language may actually do in natural language production
                                    2. Literacy
                                      1. literacy-related aspects of language such as spelling, punctuation, writing and reading must be taught and consciously learned.
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