Greece #
Empire: it
oracle of Delphi
(leaders of the
Greek city-states
went for
prophesies) #700
#Olympic games
#Homer: Iliad
#Draco’s law
#Greco Persian
(period between Persian invasions and the rise of
Alexander) #Ideas of democracy #Pericles helped
democracy flourished : the acropolis / the parthenon
stablished #Greek philosophers: (Socrates, Plato,
Aristotle) # Plato: socrate’s student/ He established
academy # Aristotle: plato’s student # Tutor of Alexander
the Great #City states -most important: • Athens
(philosophy / birthplace of democracy / art /
architecture) • Sparta (militaristic society / slave owners)
#Peloponesian war #The greek city states were
independent (Philip of Macedonia started to unify it. #
The Empire of alexander the great (son of pericles)
unified the city states and takes over the Persian empire)
He guides the Hellenistic period developing culture. The
region is influenced by greek culture. Greece gets under
roman control. The roman empire is influenced by greek
(300 -100BC)
#150 Roman Empire The Roman Empire was
founded when Augustus Caesar proclaimed
himself the first emperor of Rome • The High
Empire The heirs of Augustus succeeded him:
Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero. When
Nero died a civil war broke out. The the
Flavian dynasty in power The Flavian dynasty
is succeeded by the Antonines dynasty
(Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius,
Marcus Aurelius and Commodus) The
absolute power of Rome, capital of the
Empire, was weakened over time Dioclesian
emperor: he instaured the Tetrarchy, a form
of government that divided the power:
western and eastern regions • The low empire
Abdication of Diocletian.
Constantine’s successor, Theodosius, divided the
empire between his two sons Arcadius and
Honorius, creating the Westen Roman Empire and
the Eastern Roman Empire.
Easter Roman Empire
Western Roman Empire
476-493-The Western Roman Empire fragmented + Germanic
Tribes: Visigoths, Franks, Kingdom of Odoacer The Western
Roman Empire falls in 476 . Meanwhile the other half, called
the Byzantine Empire, survives until 1453 with the decline of
Constantinople, now called Istanbul.
#Eastern Roman Empire # Justinian
tried to recovered territory from the
WRE # Holy Roman Emperor #
Charlomagno had the protection of
the Pope-Unified Western Europe #
Conquered many territory in Europe #
Charlomagno: Key figure/King/
Castles & Knights # The Islam
conquered much of the Middle East
Charlosmagne's reign was fragmented #
Byzantine empire loses more territory # the
great schism: the break of the Roman Catholic
Church and Easter Roman Orthodox Churches #
The crusades: religious wars # Fall of Jerusalem #
Farming & Thecnology
#100 years war btw France & England # The fall of Constantinople by
the Ottoman Empire: The end of Byzantine Empire # the Black Death #
The end of MA: The begining of the Exploration Era: The RENAISANCE