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manufacturing process: mobile phone
Mind Map on manufacturing process: mobile phone, created by Master Rock on 23/03/2020.
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spray gun
milling machine
Mind Map by
Master Rock
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Master Rock
almost 5 years ago
Resource summary
manufacturing process: mobile phone
1.-printed component board: design
use of specially designed software
optimize the arrangement of each of the electronic components within the board
print the designs to create the boards
2.-Manufacturing of board
with the previously printed design, capture on the board each of the circuit paths
some parts of the electronic board are drilled to place components or screws to secure it to the chassis
with a special machine each of the components is placed on the electronic board and get soldered
it is necessary to use a special electronic soldering machine (with tin) for the components due to the small size of each one
then a metal "protection" is attached to the most sensitive and important electronic components
Usually each company that makes mobile phones creates its own software and environment with a team of specialized programmers.
when the electronic board is ready, all the information from the previously created software is loaded into the microprocessor
parts assembly
the phone case is attached to the board
To make the chassis, some processes are used such as casting due to some complex geometries of each model
or with a milling process for simpler chassis
finally a spray gun is used to paint each of the chassis the desired color
the keyboard is placed with the language according to the country to which the product will be sent (only in case the model has one)
and finally the screen and the battery are placed together with the serial number that will be a unique identifier for each phone
some cell phones have a weather-proof treatment
Finally, it is polished so that the final product is shiny and smooth.
Media attachments
Maxresdefault+(1) (binary/octet-stream)
Pcb (binary/octet-stream)
B95416c0165ae211cc7e85a2dc65408f (binary/octet-stream)
Circuit+Board+Drill2 (binary/octet-stream)
Maxresdefault (binary/octet-stream)
Carcasa+Metalica (binary/octet-stream)
1k3j3zqp (binary/octet-stream)
Sku093675+(1) (binary/octet-stream)
3a93d62d07c920d606b80754cf8c5268 (binary/octet-stream)
Ar 170929572 (binary/octet-stream)
Vertical Milling Teaser Picture Data (binary/octet-stream)
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