
make and do
Hasbleidy Alexandra SUAREZ PANTOJA
Mind Map by Hasbleidy Alexandra SUAREZ PANTOJA, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Diana Diaz
Created by Diana Diaz almost 8 years ago
Hasbleidy Alexandra SUAREZ PANTOJA
Copied by Hasbleidy Alexandra SUAREZ PANTOJA over 4 years ago

Resource summary

    1. We use the verb 'make' for constructing, building or creating
      1. EXAMPLE
        1. do the washing
          1. do the laundry
        2. Do' is often used when referring to work of any kind
          1. EXAMPLE
            1. do your work
              1. do homework
            2. Use the verb 'do' when speaking about things in general
              1. This form is often used with the words 'something, nothing, anything, everything, etc.
                1. EXAMPLE
                  1. He does everything for his mother
                    1. She's doing nothing
                2. There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'do
                  1. EXAMPLE
                    1. do badly
                      1. do business
                        1. do your hair
                          1. do your nails
                            1. do your best
                              1. do a favour
                                1. do the dishes
                            2. CONCEPT
                              1. We use the verb 'do' when someone performs an action, activity or task
                                1. EXAMPLE
                                  1. make a dress
                                    1. make a cup of tea
                                  2. Is often used when referring to preparing food of any kind
                                    1. EXAMPLE
                                      1. make a meal - breakfast
                                    2. There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'make'
                                      1. EXAMPLE
                                        1. make amends
                                          1. make money
                                            1. make love
                                              1. make your bed
                                                1. make a sound
                                                  1. make time
                                                    1. make a promise
                                                      1. make a phone call
                                                        1. make a plan
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