Always and forever, Lara Jean - Jenny Han


Mapa mental do livro "Agora e para sempre, Lara Jean".
Luisa Metz
Mind Map by Luisa Metz, updated more than 1 year ago
Luisa Metz
Created by Luisa Metz almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Always and forever, Lara Jean - Jenny Han
  1. Jenny Han
    1. The writer
      1. She have more than 11 book published
      2. She has born in the USA, Virginia
        1. 39 years old
        2. She did master's in writing for childrens
        3. Characters
          1. Lara Jean, main character
            1. Cute
              1. Respondible
                1. Cook
                  1. Romantic
                  2. Peter Kavinsky
                    1. The boyfriend
                      1. Handsome
                        1. Athklete
                        2. Kitty
                          1. Little sister
                            1. Crazy
                            2. Storm
                              1. Old woman
                                1. Friend of asylum
                                2. Chris
                                  1. Best friend
                                    1. Rebel
                                    2. Genevieve
                                      1. Bad girl
                                        1. pOPULAR
                                        2. Trina Rothschild
                                          1. Stepmother
                                          2. Dan Covey
                                            1. Lara Jeans' father
                                            2. Margot
                                              1. Big sister
                                            3. The story
                                              1. Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky are boyfriends
                                                1. Peter goes to the UVA college
                                                  1. Lara Jean wants to go to the UVA, but she can not
                                                    1. At the end, Lara Jean goes to the UNC college
                                                  2. Lara Jean's dad get married with the neighbor
                                                    1. Lara Jean's old friend dead
                                                    2. Peter's dad wats to approach Peter
                                                    3. Movies
                                                      1. To All the Boys I've Loved Before
                                                        1. 2018
                                                          1. Romantic Comedy
                                                            1. Lana Condor
                                                              1. Book number 1
                                                              2. To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love you
                                                                1. 2020
                                                                  1. Netflix
                                                                    1. Book number 2
                                                                  2. Trilogy
                                                                    1. To all the boys I've loved before
                                                                      1. Book 1
                                                                        1. Lara Jean and Peter fall in love
                                                                          1. They make a contract
                                                                            1. The letters are sent
                                                                              1. Josh
                                                                            2. P.S. I still love you
                                                                              1. Book 2
                                                                                1. John Ambrose Mclaren appears
                                                                                  1. Lara Jean is confused
                                                                                    1. She fight with Peter
                                                                                  2. Always and Forever, Lara Jean
                                                                                    1. Book 3
                                                                                      1. Lara Jean goes to the college
                                                                                        1. Dan Covey and Trina get married
                                                                                          1. Stormy dead
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