Italian online


Corsi online di italiano per stranieri
Angela effe
Mind Map by Angela effe, updated more than 1 year ago
Angela effe
Created by Angela effe almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Italian online
  1. Italy
    1. Art & Beauty
      1. Music & Opera
        1. Culture & History
          1. Industry
            1. Machinery
              1. Textile
                1. Fashion & Style
                2. Design, Architecture
                  1. automotive
                  2. Pharmaceutical
                    1. Medicine
                    2. food industry
                    3. Beautiful cities
                3. Delicious food
                  1. regional diversity
                4. online course
                  1. Time saving, Study at any time
                    1. collaboration
                      1. knowledge, learning, teaching
                        1. Personalized Learning
                          1. Versatile
                          2. Tutor support
                          3. Video conferencing
                            1. Skype or Zoom
                          4. Flexibility of location: study from anywhere
                            1. Comfort
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                        GCSE Chemistry C2 topic notes
                        Biological Definitions
                        Animal Farm Chapter Overview
                        GCSE Physics Revision notes
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                        Plant Anatomy Quiz
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                        Physics P1
                        The Lymphatic System
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