The present perfect


mapa mental de present perfect
claudia helena senador goméz
Mind Map by claudia helena senador goméz, updated more than 1 year ago
claudia helena senador goméz
Created by claudia helena senador goméz over 4 years ago

Resource summary

The present perfect
  1. What it is ?
    1. The present perfect simple expresses an action that is still going on or that stopped recently, but has an influence on the present. It puts emphasis on the result.
    2. Forms of Present Perfect
      1. General structure :Have (in the simple present) + Verb (in the past participle form)
        1. affirmative
          1. subject+have+past participle
            1. example:I have spoken
          2. negative
            1. subject+have not+past participle
              1. example: I haven´t spoken
            2. interrogative
              1. Have+subject+pastparticiple
                1. example:Have I spoken?
              2. verbs
                1. regular
                  1. ends with -ed
                  2. irregular
                    1. change the verb form
                2. Uses
                  1. puts emphasis on the result
                    1. Example: She has written five letters.
                    2. action that is still going on
                      1. Example: School has not started yet.
                      2. action that stopped recently
                        1. Example: She has cooked dinner
                        2. finished action that has an influence on the present
                          1. Example: I have lost my key.
                          2. action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking
                            1. Example: I have never been to Australia.
                          3. Adverbs
                            1. already
                              1. just
                                1. ever
                                  1. never
                                    1. so far
                                      1. till now
                                        1. yet
                                          1. up to now
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