

Social Science 5º Mind Map on Al-Andalus, created by Mrn Dm on 21/04/2020.
Mrn Dm
Mind Map by Mrn Dm, updated more than 1 year ago
Mrn Dm
Created by Mrn Dm almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Muslims arrived to the Iberian Peninsula
    1. 711 A.D.
      1. They conquered the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo
        1. In the Battle of Guadalete
          1. They created al-Andalus
            1. al-Andalus became part of the Caliphate
    2. The Muslims
      1. The Muslim empire
        1. their own laws
          1. Its own customs
            1. their own religion
              1. ISLAM
                1. Prophet Mohammed
                  1. God: ALLAH
                    1. Sacred Book: KORAN
              2. Its own art
            2. Periods
              1. EMIRATE
                1. 711-929
                  1. al-Andalus was part of the Caliphate
                    1. Capital: Córdoba
                      1. It was gorverned by an emir, who represented the caliph
                2. CORDOBA CALIPHATE
                  1. 929-1031
                    1. Emir: Abderramán III
                      1. Independent Caliphate
                  2. TAIFA KINGDOMS
                    1. 1031-1238
                      1. many political crisis
                        1. Divided in small kingdoms
                          1. Taifa Kingdoms fought each other
                    2. KINGDOM OF GRANADA
                      1. 1238-1492
                        1. Christians Kingdoms attacked Taifa Kingdoms
                          1. 13th century
                            1. Only: Granada Kingdom
                              1. 1492: Christian conquered Granada Kingdom
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