Modal verbs


Uso y ejemplos de algunos modal verbs como lo son: Be able to, Should, Dare y Ought to.
Juan Montes
Mind Map by Juan Montes, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Montes
Created by Juan Montes almost 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Modal verbs
  1. Be able to, poder/ser capaz de (past, present and future)
    1. My uncle was able to eat a whole chicken.
      1. Juan is able to sitting all day.
      2. Should, debería (advices)
        1. You should exercise, you're fat.
          1. You must do your homework if you plan to graduate this year.
          2. Ought to, debería (advices)
            1. You ought to not walk for this street, but in this one hurts people.
              1. You should play music to relax.
              2. Dare, atreverse/retar
                1. I dare swim in the pool for the first time.
                  1. Sara dare talk with her crush.
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