Maintaining Hygiene


Mind Map on Maintaining Hygiene, created by Sebastian Bahamon on 12/05/2020.
Sebastian Bahamon
Mind Map by Sebastian Bahamon, updated more than 1 year ago
Sebastian Bahamon
Created by Sebastian Bahamon over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Maintaining Hygiene
    1. The ways to prevent infectios
      1. The infection diseases cause by tiny microorganisms that moved from person to person
        1. The best way to prevent infections is block this patogens to entire the body
          1. why?
            1. Wash your hand in the hospital
              1. Before entering the patient's room
                1. After touching the patient
                  1. After being with the patient
                    1. Before performing a medical procedure
                      1. After being in contact with patient fluids
                      2. Use protective objects such as
                        1. Face mask
                          1. in respiratory diseases
                          2. Latex gloves
                            1. when there is contact with the patient or in a low risk procedure
                            2. Sterile gloves
                              1. In sterile and complex procedures
                              2. Gown
                                1. protection against fluids
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