Changes in Spain


4 ESO Giza (My Mindmaps) Mind Map on Changes in Spain, created by Aritz Ibarra on 24/09/2013.
Aritz Ibarra
Mind Map by Aritz Ibarra, updated more than 1 year ago
Aritz Ibarra
Created by Aritz Ibarra over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Changes in Spain
  1. A change of dinasty: the rise of the Bourbons
    1. War of the Spanish Succession
      1. Rivals for the throne:
        1. Philip of Anjou
          1. Allied
            1. Crowd of Castille
              1. France
            2. Archduke Charles of Australia
              1. Allied
                1. Austria
                  1. Crowd of Aragon
                    1. Great Britain
                2. Finally king
                  1. Philip of Anjou
                3. Dynasty
                  1. Hapsburg
                    1. Carlos II
                      1. The king
                    2. Bourbon
                      1. Philip of Anjou
                        1. Carlos II´s heir
                  2. Centralisation under the Bourbons
                    1. Central Goverment
                      1. Ministries
                        1. Laws
                          1. imposed to Aragon
                        2. Regional Goverment
                          1. Divided into provinces
                          2. Local Goverment
                            1. Royal Official
                              1. in the town council
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