Comparions with as ... as


Es un mapa corto con la explicación y ejemplos del as ... as
Mind Map by EDISON BONILLA, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EDISON BONILLA almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Comparions with as ... as
  1. It use in two moments
    1. Similarity
      1. Use as ... as to say that two things are equal or the same
        1. Use de adverb just for empahasis.
          1. Example
            1. My new mouse is as good as the old one.
          2. Use de adverb almost to say two things are very similar, but not exactly.
            1. Example
              1. The old monitor is just as good as the new one.
            2. Example
              1. The playstation 3 as heavy as the playstation 4
          3. Difference
            1. Use not as .. as to say that two things are different.
              1. Use the adverb quite when the difference is very small
                1. Example
                  1. The windows 8 isn't quite as easy to use as the windows 10
                2. Use the adverb nearly to say that there's a big difference.
                  1. Example
                    1. Our old monitor wasn't nearly as big as the new one. Yhe new one is much bigger.
                  2. Example
                    1. I'm not as tall as my cousin
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