What is discourse and why analyze it?


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Mind Map by DANIELA MENA GOMEZ, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by DANIELA MENA GOMEZ over 4 years ago
Copied by DANIELA MENA GOMEZ over 4 years ago

Resource summary

What is discourse and why analyze it?
  1. In 1996 the British largest phone company was created with the purpose of improving nation’s communication skills.
    1. Some linguistics take discourse as a source of evidence about social life and use discourse as a research method for social phenomenoms.
      1. Discourse analysis
        1. Is used by linguists, psychologists, sociologists
          1. Is not completely related with spoken discourse
            1. Does works with data that is done in writing
              1. Method for investigating social voices of talks of people
              2. Some linguists want to know
                1. How turn-taking works like during a conversation and how the way a question is formed can affect the answer
                  1. How people’s talk can be taken as evidence about some aspects of their lives
                  2. DISCOURSE
                    1. Form of language with characteristics taken by the way language and communication work
                      1. Language-users also interpret larger texts not only sentences
                        1. Example: The baby cried/ the mommy picked it up
                          1. It is anaphoric; although it comes in the second sentence, a listener infers it refers to the baby because it was mentioned before
                            1. People assume who picked up the baby, was his own mother
                              1. Sequence of events- cause and effect- A and then B
                              2. Language users also have problems identifying sentences that are not texts
                                1. Example: Later, an item about vasectomy and the results of the do it yourself competition
                                  1. It’s likely to see rejections of the last sentence’s interpretation
                                    1. The speaker utterance has no structure
                                      1. The scenario sounds ridiculous; people take account of what they know
                                      2. Tendencies in twentieth-century linguistics
                                        1. Formalism: interest in structure of language
                                          1. Functionalism: interest in what language is used for
                                          2. Self-construction
                                            1. People tend to tell the researcher the things they believe he wants to hear
                                              1. Usually happens in ordinary talk
                                                1. Is better to analyze real talk since matters are more complex when talking
                                              2. Language above the sentence
                                                1. Looks for structure in units that are larger than one sentence
                                                  1. Since of discourse is made by making assumptions, basing on the knowledge we have about the world
                                                    1. Language above sentence can be using language to mean something
                                                    2. Relevant terms
                                                      1. Talk
                                                        1. Spoken language
                                                          1. Is generic and inclusive
                                                          2. Conversation
                                                            1. However, nowadays people tend to say that conversation is also done through chats for example; whatssap, chat rooms or facebook
                                                              1. Refers to spoken language rather than written language
                                                              2. Discourse
                                                                1. Language used in any medium
                                                                  1. Technical term
                                                                2. A Text can be smaller than a sentence
                                                                  1. Men on the door of a public bathroom-P for packing lot The convey a meaning even if they don’t have structure above sentence
                                                                    1. Positive discourse
                                                                      1. Example; drugs use is a recreational activity
                                                                      2. Negative discourse
                                                                        1. Example; drugs use is a crime
                                                                      3. Language using is an intersubjective process
                                                                        1. People’s understanding of the world is shaped by the way they used language according to what they have available
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