
Esquema explicativo de los -modal verbs-, funciones, contextos de uso y uso en diálogos.
Miriam Navarro
Mind Map by Miriam Navarro, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by the_SKET_Fox over 9 years ago
Miriam Navarro
Copied by Miriam Navarro over 4 years ago

Resource summary



  • They are important verbs that expresses solid ideas in contexts.
  1. We use them for contexts like
    1. Giving advice
      1. Do an answer
        1. Do a question
        2. They are
          1. Must/ Mustn't


            • (Español) Debo/ No debo
            1. It's something like...
              1. Order/ Prohibition
                1. You MUST wash your hands before eat.
                  1. She MUSTN'T smoke, it's bad to her.
                    1. MUST I help to unknown people?
                2. Have to/ Don't have to


                  • Tengo que/ No tengo que
                  1. Not strong order/ Not necesary to do
                    1. I HAVE TO paint a draw.
                      1. Do you HAVE TO make a question?
                        1. I DON'T HAVE TO study for the test, I know the countains.
                      2. Should/ Shouldn't


                        • Debería/ No debería
                        1. Advice
                          1. He SHOULD talk to her girlfriend.
                            1. I SHOULD do my bed so early?
                              1. It SHOULDN'T be on fire...
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