
Mind Map on 2nd QUARTER CONTENT, created by Alexandra de Castro Braga Abreu on 19/06/2020.
Alexandra de Castro Braga Abreu
Mind Map by Alexandra de Castro Braga Abreu , updated more than 1 year ago
Alexandra de Castro Braga Abreu
Created by Alexandra de Castro Braga Abreu over 4 years ago

Resource summary

    1. USE: 1. Used for actions finished in the past. 2. Used for actions at a definite time in the past.
          1. USE:1. Used for an action that was happening at a certain moment in the past. 2. Used for an action that was happening in the past, but was interrupted by another past action. 3. Used for two or more simultaneous actions in the past.
              1. EXAMPLES:Thomas was taking a shower while his mother was cooking his dinner. (and / while) Thomas was taking a shower at this time last night. Thomas was taking a shower when the light went out.
              2. USED TO / WOULD
                1. USE Used for habits or situations in the past that have changed in the present. Use only USED TO and NOT WOULD when you refer to a situation or state in the past.
                    1. EXAMPLESI used to work for a multinational company when I was younger. Paul used to hang out with his friends when he was single. Ana used to be a ballerina when she was younger. John used to be really annoying as a kid.
                      1. COMPARATIVES: comparatives are used to compare TWO people, places, animals ou groups. We use the word THAN.
                        1. SUPERLATIVES: superlatives are used to compare MORE THAN TWO people, places, animals ou groups. We use the word THE before the superlative.
                        2. PREPOSITIONS OF TIME
                          1. We use AT for specific time of the day, holidays and weekend; We use IN for months, years, seasons, parts of the day; We use ON for days and months+days Attention! When we use “NEXT”, “LAST”, “THIS/THAT”, before time expressions, we do not use IN, ON or AT.
                          2. PRONOUNS
                            1. F) PRONOUNS: PERSONAL PRONOUNS - SUBJECT and OBJECT SUBJECT PRONOUN VERB OBJECT PRONOUNS OR PREPOSITION Use subject pronoun as the subject of a sentence, that is, before the verb. Use object pronoun as the object of a sentences, that is after the verb or prepositions.
                              1. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE and POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. Use possessive adjectives when there is a noun it refers to. Use possessive pronouns when there isn’t a noun it refers to.
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