Virtual Instrumentation


A little summary about the virtual instrumentation
Alfredo Sanchez 2834
Mind Map by Alfredo Sanchez 2834, updated more than 1 year ago
Alfredo Sanchez 2834
Created by Alfredo Sanchez 2834 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Virtual Instrumentation
  1. Characteristics
    1. software centered systems
      1. user-definied
        1. high connectivity
          1. flexible functionality
          2. Elements
            1. Sensor module
              1. Sensor interface
                1. Information systems interface
                  1. Proccesing module
                    1. Database interface
                      1. User interface
                      2. Differences
                        1. Virtual instrumentation
                          1. Felxibility
                            1. scalability
                              1. low cost
                              2. traditional instrumentation
                                1. hardware centered systems
                                  1. vendor-definied
                                    1. Fixed flexibility
                                      1. Function-specific
                                        1. Expensive
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