Mexican Companies


ahtz paola
Mind Map by ahtz paola, updated more than 1 year ago
ahtz paola
Created by ahtz paola over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Mexican Companies
  1. “In globalization you cannot be a mere spectator. If you don't participate, you become their victim " Daniel Servitje, CEO of Grupo Bimbo.
    1. At the head of this Mexican expansion has been Bimbo. Although internationalization is the norm in the food sector
              1. It has more than 80 production lines for more than 200 varieties of products including chili peppers, beans, etc. more, 85% of which are for the Mexican market and 15% for export to more than 50 countries
                1. Fue fundada en 1923 por Vicente López Recines. La compañía se ha convertido en una marca importante dentro y fuera de México.
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