Inglés básico superior


Mapa mental sobre el programa de el curso de ingles
Mariana Cid
Mind Map by Mariana Cid, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariana Cid
Created by Mariana Cid over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Inglés básico superior
  1. Learning unit 1
    1. purpose
      1. expected lerning
      2. Learning unit 1
        1. Purpose
          1. Development of skills to provide and request personal information from different context
          2. Expected learning
            1. Share basic personal infarmation, prometing cohesion and cultural diversity
          3. Learning unit 2
            1. Expected learning
              1. Provide personal information
              2. Porpouse
                1. Development to talk abaut likes and dislikes
                  1. Desvelopment to be able to describe the climate and suitable clothing for these
                2. Learning unit 3
                  1. Expected learning
                    1. describes information abaut food
                      1. Use technology to obtain information and express ideas
                      2. Purpose
                        1. Development to talk abaut ingredient in a recipe
                          1. Development to talk abaut eating habits
                            1. Ability to talk abaut past experiences
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