Vocabulary Development


Mapa mental
Adriana Roldan
Mind Map by Adriana Roldan, updated more than 1 year ago
Adriana Roldan
Created by Adriana Roldan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Vocabulary Development
  1. 18 Months Around 50 words, 10 words per day
    1. Items acquired
      1. Entities: People (Mommy, Daddy, bay), food, animal, clothes, toys, vehicles
        1. Properties: Hot, allgone, more, dirty, cold, here, there
          1. Actions: up, sit, see, eat, go, down
            1. Personal-Social: Hi, bye, no, yes, please, thank-you
          2. Age 6: 14.000 words, 20 words per day
            1. 17 years around 60.000 words
              1. Strategies for acquiring word meaning
                1. The whole Object Assumpsion: A new word refers to a whole object
                  1. The Type Assumption: A new word refers to a type of thing, not just to a particular thing
                    1. The Basic Level Assumption: A new word refers to objects that are alike in basic ways (appearance, behaviour, etc)
                    2. Meaning errors
                      1. Overextensions
                        1. The meaning of the child´s word is more general or inclusive than that of the corresponding adult form
                          1. Ex: An example is when a child refers to all animals as 'doggie' or refers to a lion as a 'kitty.'
                        2. Underextension
                          1. Underextension involves not applying a new word to objects that are included in the meaning of that word.
                            1. For example, a child might learn the word dog, but might only use it to refer to his own dog rather than all of the other dogs that he encounters.
                          2. Verb Meaning
                            1. Children usually tend to confuse the verb's meaning
                              1. For example the verb -fill- means 'pour' rather than 'make full'
                          3. Dimensional Terms
                            1. Children acquire in a relatively fixed order sixe and dimensions
                              1. For example: Big, small, tall-short, long-short, high-low
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