Market projection


Market Projection.
angelica marin
Mind Map by angelica marin, updated more than 1 year ago
angelica marin
Created by angelica marin about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Market projection
  1. The best option is
    1. Increase sales
      1. This possible by
        1. Market Projection
          1. Which is
            1. An analyse of the numbers, characteristics and trends.
    2. How works?
      1. Determining how much the company has.
        1. By
          1. Asking questions like
            1. Does the small business have a cost advantage, a new product or agreements?
      2. Realized by
        1. 3 Steps
          1. which are
            1. 1. Determining market size
              1. 2. Determining Current Business
                1. 3. Determining current market share
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