
wilmer omar perez
Mind Map by wilmer omar perez, updated more than 1 year ago
wilmer omar perez
Created by wilmer omar perez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Food safety temperatures
    1. 37o body temperature
      1. 63o keep hot food above
        1. 0o freezing point of water
          1. 82o sterillising
            1. 100o bolling point of water
              1. 72o Re-heating food
                1. 5o keep fridge at or below
                  1. 8o chilled food kept below
                    1. 0- 63o danger zone
                    2. Food safety act
                      1. wear suitable clothing
                        1. store, prepare and server food at the correct temperature
                          1. protect against food contamination
                            1. keep the workplace
                              1. keep yourself clean
                                1. inform your maneger if you are iII
                                  1. Do not work whit food if you have symptoms of food poisining
                                  2. Food contamination
                                    1. Bacterial, listeria,e-coli, botulism, salmonella, clostridium, perfringens, staphyliococus aureus
                                      1. chemical, pestisides, diesel, chemicals, bleach, washing up liquid
                                        1. physical, hair, plastiics, bones, fruit pips, jewelery, glass, fingernails, feathers, chicken, peelings, strings, staples and srew
                                        2. High risk food groups
                                          1. babies/young childer
                                            1. pregnant woman
                                              1. elderly
                                                1. III people
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