Intrinsic and extrinsic
motivations: Classic definitions
and new directions
Construct, reflecting the
natural human propensity
to learn and assimilate
intrinsic motivation, wich refers
to doing something because it is
inherentlu interesting or
Instrinsically motivated
behaviors, wich are
performed out of interest
and satisfy the innate
psycho-logical needs for
competence and autonomy
are the prototype of self
determined behavior
Motivation as a unaritary
phenomenon, one that varies from
very little motivation to act to a grat
deal of it
Is argued to vary
considerably in its
relative autonomy and
thus can either reflect
external control or true
self regulation.
Extrinsic motivation, wich
refers to doing something
because it leads to a
separable autcome
Extrinsicallu motivated
behaviors those that are
executed because they are
instumental to some
separable consequence can
vary in the extent to wich
they represent self