Use of technology for information and control_1


Mind Map by dialgore, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by dialgore over 9 years ago
Copied by dialgore over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Use of technology for information and control_1
  1. Management control system
    1. Formal routines and procedures that use information to maintain or alter patterns in organizational acivities.
      1. Six sigma
        1. Highly ambicious quality standards against tough competitors
        2. Executive dashboard
          1. presents key business information in easy to read graphics and informs managers of inusual terns in data
          2. Benchmarketing
            1. process of persistently measuring products, services and practices against tough competitors
        3. Balanced Scorecard
          1. Comprenhensive management control system that balances traditional financial measures with operational measures.
            1. Four major perspective
              1. Financial perspective
                1. Reflect a concern that the organization´s activities contribute to improving short and long term financial resources.
                2. Customers
                  1. Identifies how customers view the organization, and if them are satisfied or not.
                  2. Business process
                    1. Focus on production and operating statistics
                    2. potential for learning and growth
                      1. How well resources and human capital are being managed for company´s future.
                  3. Benefits
                    1. Allows the enterprise to see certain characterisitics that were overlooked before
                      1. Improves the View of internal factors that affect the org compare goals and implement the use of corrective actions and results from different aspects
                    2. Internal coordination
                      1. Inside the company, people and departments create a distribution of information between them, that help them to make their work.
                        1. Intranets
                          1. Networking
                            1. Link people helping them to share information
                            2. Intranet
                              1. Private company-wide information system that help employees to be in touch with whats going in the organization.
                            3. WEB
                              1. WEB 1.0
                                1. Begining of development of telecomunications, users where only allowed to read the same information.
                                2. WEB 2.0
                                  1. Begining of interaction between users.
                                    1. Blog
                                      1. Wiki
                                        1. Social networking
                                      2. WEB 3.0
                                        1. Equal than the other ones but with a quick acces to share the information
                                        2. WEB 4.0
                                          1. Facsilitates the information and investigation through the creaton of an operative system that work lije human brain
                                        3. Knowledge managemetn
                                          1. Intellectual capital
                                            1. Explicit knowledge
                                              1. Tactic knowledge
                                              2. Enterprise resource planing
                                            2. External coordination
                                              1. Is an external communication system that uses the internet and is shared by two or more organizations.
                                                1. Integrated enterprise
                                                  1. Use advanced IT to enable coordination with company suppliers, customers and parters.
                                                  2. Information linkages
                                                    1. Systems enables organizations to achieve the right balance of low inventory levels and customers responsiveness.
                                                    2. Horizontal relationships
                                                      1. Everyone work closely
                                                  3. E-Business
                                                    1. Any busiess that takes place by digital processes over a computer network rather than in physical space
                                                      1. In-House division
                                                        1. Integration between the Internet operation and the organization´s traditional operation.
                                                        2. Spin-off
                                                          1. Is a company that help E-business to have grater autonomy and felxibility to adapt rapidly changing conditions,
                                                          2. Strategic partnership
                                                            1. Organizations attain some of the disadvantages and overcome some disadvantages by the partnership with other firms.
                                                        3. Information for decision making and control
                                                          1. Applications that fascilitates rapid decision and effective decision making
                                                            1. Management information system
                                                              1. Computer-based system that provdes information and support for managerial decision making
                                                              2. Information reporting system
                                                                1. Mid-levels with reports that summarize data and support day-to-day decision making
                                                                2. Executive information system
                                                                  1. Higher-level application that fascilitates decision making and high level managers
                                                                  2. Decision support system
                                                                    1. Computer-based system that provides benefits to managers of all levels
                                                                3. IT impact on organization design
                                                                  1. In recent years the advantages of infoprmation technology have had the greatest impact in most organization
                                                                    1. Smaller organizations
                                                                      1. System can handle administrative processes that use to take hours of labour.
                                                                      2. Decentralized organization structures
                                                                        1. IT helps coordinate and collaborate through remote locations allowing telecommuting to take place
                                                                        2. Improved horizontal coordination
                                                                          1. Connect people even when their offices are scattered around the world. Lets teams share knowledge and collaborate in projects
                                                                          2. Improved interorganizational relationships
                                                                            1. Through more frequent communication and real time info sharing through contact creates involved strategic planning
                                                                            2. Enhanced network structures
                                                                              1. Modular structures or virtual organizations, outsourcing as a major trend, ties companies into seamless info flow opens doors to outsourcing and last minute changes and additions in orders.
                                                                          3. BY: Henry Daniel PAchamoro, Diego Alejandro Gómez, Daniel Mateo Chavarro, Daniel Mendoza
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