Golden Corn & Latin Shirmp


Golden Corn & Latin Shirmp
Jose Bautista
Mind Map by Jose Bautista, updated more than 1 year ago
Jose Bautista
Created by Jose Bautista almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Golden Corn & Latin Shirmp
  1. Cob Corn
    1. Sell cob corn (butter, salt and pepper)
      1. 6 aud ea
        1. Optional: sauces bbq, guacamole, sour cream
        2. Grill
          1. Sell cob corn with bacon, cheese or xxx
            1. 8 aud ea
        3. Shrimp
          1. Sell tiger shirmp cocktail (ketchup, onion)
            1. 12 aud ea (cup)
              1. Optional: tabasco sauce
              2. hand-made
                1. Sell peruvian cocktail, mango cocktail or strawberry cocktail
                  1. 16 aud ea (cup)
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