4th A ENGLISH 2020


material sugerido desde los alumnos
Cecilia Cravero
Mind Map by Cecilia Cravero, updated more than 1 year ago
Cecilia Cravero
Created by Cecilia Cravero over 4 years ago

Resource summary

4th A ENGLISH 2020
    1. Good morning teacher!!
      1. Good morning Jesus!!
      2. TOYS
        1. teddy ,kite, ballon, ball, drum , puzzle boat
          1. computer games, scooter,
            1. plane, blocks, board games
            2. COLOURS
              1. sky blue, pink, red
                1. light green, orange, yellow
                  1. brown, purple
                    1. gray, brown, white
                    2. THE ALPHABET
                      1. A-N-A
                        1. O-L-I-V-I-A
                          1. S-O-F-I-A
                            1. I-V-A-N
                            2. NUMBERS
                              1. sixteen - twelve - thirteen -eighteen
                                1. four,ten,eleven
                                  1. fourteen twelve ten
                                    1. nineteen- thirty-three
                                      1. sixty-seventy
                                      2. FAMILY
                                        1. cousin brother father
                                          1. son - daughter
                                            1. Niece , nephew, sister
                                              1. mother grandmother
                                              2. THE TIME
                                                1. It´s ten o´clock
                                                  1. it's half past five
                                                    1. it´s half past 2
                                                      1. it´s quarter past´one
                                                      2. DAYS OF THE WEEK
                                                        1. MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY-FRIDAY
                                                          1. Sunday-Thursday
                                                          2. WEATHER
                                                            1. sunny
                                                              1. rainy
                                                                1. cloudy
                                                                2. PERSONAL QUESTIONS
                                                                  1. what´s your name? how are you? how old are you?
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