
Mindmap to study the kingdoms of the living things.
Blanca Francisco
Mind Map by Blanca Francisco, updated more than 1 year ago
Blanca Francisco
Created by Blanca Francisco almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

    1. shapes
      1. unicellular
        1. nutrition
          1. heterotrophs
            1. autotrophs
              1. movement
                1. some move
                  1. Flagellum
                  2. some don't move
                    1. reproduction
                      1. by dividing
              2. PROTOCTISTA
                1. shapes
                  1. unicellular
                    1. multicellular
                      1. nutrition
                        1. movement
                          1. some don't move
                            1. some move
                              1. amoeba use pseudopods
                                1. paramecium use cilia
                                2. reproduction
                                  1. by dividing
                                    1. spores
                                  2. heterotrophs
                                    1. autotrophs
                                3. FUNGUI
                                  1. shapes
                                    1. unicellular
                                      1. yeast
                                      2. multicellular
                                        1. mould
                                        2. nutrition
                                          1. heterotrophs
                                            1. movement
                                              1. reproduction
                                                1. spores
                                                2. don't move
                                          2. PLANTS
                                            1. SEED PLANTS
                                              1. Angiosperms
                                                1. grow flowers
                                                  1. fruit
                                                  2. Gymnosperms
                                                    1. produce cones
                                                      1. Eg. conifers
                                                    2. NON-SEED PLANTS
                                                      1. Ferns
                                                        1. leaves called fronds
                                                          1. anchored by roots
                                                          2. Mosses
                                                            1. produce spore capsules
                                                              1. anchored by rhizoids
                                                              2. spores
                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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