

Instrumento de investigación
Fatima Lugo Rivera
Mind Map by Fatima Lugo Rivera, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatima Lugo Rivera
Created by Fatima Lugo Rivera about 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Why use a questionnaire? Why might they be useful?


    • It is very common for information on certain topics to be required and in order to obtain that information we may be required to ask people questions. Questionnaires can be designed and collect large amounts of data from a variety of respondents.
    1. Information
      1. Data collection
        1. Ease of analysis
          1. Transmit information
            1. Encodings
              1. Demanding questions
              2. Types of questionnaire
                1. There are three types of questionnaires
                  1. The mail survey


                    • It is the most common is addressed to respondents and delivered via mail is to collect a lot of data.
                    1. The group-administered questionnaire


                      • It is a useful tool for data from a sample of respondents that can naturally be gathered for the purpose
                      1. The household drop-off survey


                        • This type of home delivery survey is a hybrid mail and questionnaire system managed by groups. With this approach, the researcher hand-delivers the questionnaire to a member of an identified household for collection on some later date.
                    2. Types of question


                      • The use of subtly different questions, and approaches to questioning, may allow us access to the information we require, which requires us to have or ask different questions, i.e. closed open or multiple choice or/or classification questions.
                      1. Closed questions


                        • The most commonly used to form closed-type questions is the dichotomical question that requires a "yes" or a "no" in response.
                        1. Multiple-choice questions


                          • Multiple choice questions allow us to provide a number of predefined answers. This allows the researcher to maintain some control over the given responses.
                          1. Open-ended questions


                            • What allows us to ask open questions is that they do not impose any of the closed question and multiple selection restrictions. They allow recording of any answer to a question provided by the respondent.
                          2. Scale items


                            • Some questions require the respondent to indicate answers according to a predefined list or scale, usually ranging from a very positive response to a Response. There are several ways to scale answers to questions. This scale, like many others, measures attitudes to establish the statements the questionnaire makes. the respondent receives a scale of possible answers (usually five) to the question – ranging from the "strongly agreed" attitude measure to the exact opposite measure of "disagreement vigorously".
                            1. Positive responses
                              1. Measure attitude
                                1. Explore perception
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