Bibliographic Database


A2 TICs Mind Map on Bibliographic Database, created by Gabriella Foresti on 27/12/2020.
Gabriella Foresti
Mind Map by Gabriella Foresti, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriella Foresti
Created by Gabriella Foresti almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Bibliographic Database
  1. An organized digital collection of references including journals, newspaper articles, conference proceedings, reports, government and legal publications, patents,books, etc
    1. UNED access
      1. ERIC
        1. J_STORE
          1. LION
            1. MLA
              1. APA
              2. NOT subscribed by UNED
                1. America: History and Life
                  1. EEBO
                    1. Linguistic Collections
                      1. Linguistic Abstracts Online
                      2. Generic Bibliographic Databases
                        1. Dialnet
                          1. Other generic databases
                            1. EBSCO
                              1. Rebiun
                                1. Science Direct
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