My happiest moments in my life so far


Jhovany Gómez Sánchez
Mind Map by Jhovany Gómez Sánchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Jhovany Gómez Sánchez
Created by Jhovany Gómez Sánchez over 3 years ago

Resource summary

My happiest moments in my life so far
  1. My first Christmast with my family
    1. When I was six years old I met my first friend in the elementary school
      1. My first kiss with my first girlfriend in the elementary school when I was 10 years old
        1. My first feeling of "Butterflies in the stomach"
          1. My first victory in a mathematic competition when I was thirteen years old
            1. My first concert with my family when I was ten years old
              1. My first travel to the beach when I was eight years old
                1. I met my second girlfriend in the high school when I was sixteen years old
                  1. My father bought me my first video game console when I was eight years old
                    1. I had my first pet when I was eigh years old
                      1. I passed the admission test of the university
                        1. I met my third girlfriend when I was in second semester of the university
                          1. My first party with my university friends
                            1. In January, I bought my ticket to the Rammstein's concert
                              1. My first travel with my girlfriend to Cholula's pyramids when we were seventeen years old
                                1. My high school graduation when I was eighteen years old
                                  1. My first date
                                    1. The finish of my teeth treatment when I was nineteen years old
                                      1. My first visit to Six Flags when I was twelve years old
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                                        INGENIERIA DE MATERIALES
                                        Ricardo Álvarez
                                        Elementos Básicos de Ingeniería Ambiental
                                        Evilus Rada
                                        Historia de la Ingeniería
                                        Camila González
                                        Introducción a la Ingeniería de Software
                                        David Pacheco Ji
                                        UNIDAD II DIBUJO PROYECTIVO
                                        GENERALIDADES DE LAS EDIFICACIONES
                                        MAPA MENTAL SOFTWARE APLICADOS EN INGENIERÍA CIVIL
                                        Ruben Dario Acosta P
                                        Estado de la ingenería mecánica y su perspectiva a futuro
                                        Roberto Martinez
                                        MAPA CONCEPTUAL SOBRE LA INICIATIVA CDIO
                                        Victor Antonio Rodriguez Castañeda
                                        Características de la Pitahaya y su potencial de uso en la industria alimentaria
                                        Héctor Infanzón
                                        Diapositivas neumática
                                        Victor Zamora Delgado