Electric Charge and Force


Book: Physics Author: James Walker Mind map: chapter 19
Luis Ardines
Mind Map by Luis Ardines , updated more than 1 year ago
Luis Ardines
Created by Luis Ardines almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Electric Charge and Force
  1. Electric charger
    1. Rubbing Objects together can charge them
      1. Electric Charge comes in two distinct types
        1. Atoms have positive, negative, and neutral particles
          1. Electric charge is quantized
            1. A Coulomb is a large amount of charge
              1. Electric charge can be transferred between objects
                1. Charging by contact varies with the material
                  1. An Electric charge can attract a neutral objects
                    1. not all materials are good conductors
                    2. Electric Force
                      1. Coulomb´s law describes the electric force
                        1. Electric force acts along a line between the charges
                          1. Electric force is similar togravitational force
                            1. Electric forces keep most objects close to neutral
                            2. Combining Electric force
                              1. Electric Forces add by vector addition
                                1. Electric Forces can be added graphically
                                  1. A spherical distribution of charge acts just like a point charge.
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