Definition and differences between Hypertext, Hypermedia and
Hypertext.- Definition.. it is a subset of hipermedia, and can be development using a specific software such as adove flash, adove director and Macromedia autor ware. example; The Voodoo Longue, Shakespeare on line. etc.
Multimedia.- Definition.- it is the presentation of texts, grphics, animations, audio and video using the computers in an integrated manner. example: a slide, a media player, digital audio editor. ect.
Hypermedia.- Definition.- it is the use of texts, data, graphics, audio and video as part of an extended hypertext system in
which all elements are related, in that the content is accesible throught hyperlinks, Hypermedia is a subset of Multimedia. example: Family search, Amazon App Stream, etc.
Differences. hypertext is the electronic text format where content is interconected using hyperlinks, while hipermedia refers to media such as a text, audio graphics and video interconnected using hyperlinks. hypertext is a subset of hipermedia, in hypertexts the user moves from one document to another via links and a visit to a document ends when the applications terminates or your move on to another component throught the link.