Education/Pedagogy and its Perspect


Some informations related to pedagogy
Fabián Arias
Mind Map by Fabián Arias, updated more than 1 year ago
Fabián Arias
Created by Fabián Arias almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Education/Pedagogy and its Perspect
    1. Preceding
      1. Creating social solidarity (school and work preparing us for wider society)
        1. Teaching work skills (acording the level of education)
          1. Role allocation / meritocracy (acording their effort)
            1. Teaching core values (rules and standards)
            2. Contemporary
              1. Manifest functions (socialization )
                1. Instructed to play different roles
                  1. Different professions for their lives
                  2. Latent functions (courtship)
                    1. Social networks
                      1. Prospective competitive roles
                  3. PEDAGOGY
                    1. Perspectives (art fo science)
                      1. Techniques, procedures and activities
                      2. Reflections (UNCRC)
                        1. Effectiveness, quality, needs, respect, and reflect from teachers to students
                      3. ROLES AND FUNCTIONS
                        1. Teachers in teaching
                          1. To teach facts, skills, encourage and counselor, acording the level of students
                          2. Students in learning
                            1. Oral approach (practice sounds)
                              1. Communicative approach (active participation)
                                1. Scientific approach (imitate and memorize)
                                  1. Grammar translation method (passive and receptive)
                                    1. Direct method (relation eyes - ears)
                                      1. Audio lingual method (repeat, mimic, memorize)
                                        1. Silent way method (self learning)
                                          1. Suggestopedia method (self confidence)
                                            1. Community language (work groups)
                                              1. Total physical response (understand and develop commands)
                                            2. RELATION DIDACTIC-LEARNING PROCESS
                                              1. General and Subject didactics (teaching-learning process)
                                                1. Didactic triangle (contents, teacher and student)
                                                  1. Didactic relation (Core of the subject)
                                                    1. Teacher's didactic (way of teaching)
                                                    2. TEACHING-LEARNING STRATEGIES
                                                      1. Empirical
                                                        1. Knowledge by senses
                                                        2. Problem solving
                                                          1. Psychological principles (creation, analysis, construction, recognition, execution, synthesis, answers, outlining)
                                                          2. Modelling
                                                            1. Construct their knowledge
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