Co-production around high mountain ecosystems


Essay SSS
Angela Prias
Mind Map by Angela Prias, updated more than 1 year ago
Angela Prias
Created by Angela Prias over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Co-production around high mountain ecosystems
  1. Introducción
    1. Climate change: international agenda
      1. Prioritization of vulnerable ecosystems
        1. Paramos (moors) in Colombia
          1. Characteristics
            1. Ecosystem services
              1. Nature-based adaptation (NbA)
                1. Translated in protected areas
                  1. Delimmitation
                    1. High uncertainty
                    2. Management strategy
                      1. High values
                      2. Enforcement
                  2. Economic activities
            2. Science and society problem (Case study)
              1. Importance and relevandce
                1. Controversy, high values and high uncertainty
                2. Relation to the STS debate
                  1. Origin
                    1. Context
                      1. Actors involved
                        1. Justification of the interventions as an attempt to improve the science-society relationship
                          1. Alignment with the governance types
                            1. The perspective we hold has implications for the way we govern sustainability issues
                            2. Objective and scope
                            3. Interventions
                              1. Knowledge co-production
                                1. Description
                                  1. Year
                                    1. Background
                                      1. Aim
                                        1. Characteristics
                                        2. Coordinators and participants
                                          1. Methods
                                            1. Place
                                              1. Underpinning perspective
                                                1. Relationship aiming to improve
                                                  1. Alignment with governance type
                                                  2. Deliberative process
                                                    1. Type of intervention
                                                  3. Critical analysis
                                                    1. Are the interventions complementary, adequate, contrary, necessary?
                                                      1. Analysis of the merit of the intervention in addressing the issue
                                                        1. Strengths and weaknesses according to each perspective
                                                          1. Knowledge co-production
                                                            1. Linear perspective
                                                              1. Frame of analysis
                                                                1. Brokerage at the science–policy interface: Ten recommendations for effective Brokerage
                                                              2. Interactive perspective
                                                                1. Frame of analysis: Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability issues
                                                                  1. Context-based
                                                                    1. Pluralistic
                                                                      1. Goal-oriented
                                                                        1. Interactive
                                                                      2. Co-productionist perspective
                                                                        1. How it occurs (Jasanoff)
                                                                          1. Representations
                                                                            1. Discourse
                                                                              1. Institutions
                                                                                1. Identities
                                                                                2. Socio-technical imaginaries
                                                                              2. Deliberative process
                                                                                1. Relational coproductionist participation
                                                                                  1. Frame of analysis
                                                                                    1. Reflexive Analysis and Performance of Participation in Science and Democracy
                                                                                      1. Reflexive participatory practices
                                                                                        1. Ecologizing participation
                                                                                          1. Responsible participation
                                                                                            1. Responsive participation
                                                                                          2. Socio-technical imaginaries
                                                                                          3. Interactive Perspective
                                                                                            1. 'Residual realist' participation
                                                                                              1. Methodological revisionism
                                                                                                1. Frame of analysis
                                                                                                  1. 'Good' participation
                                                                                                    1. Inclusion, representativeness, participant learning, decision impact
                                                                                                2. Linear perspective
                                                                                                  1. Information deficit model
                                                                                          4. Conclusion
                                                                                            1. The interventions do not embody the insights of co-production especially in this aspects
                                                                                              1. The interventions are not complementary
                                                                                                1. From the interactive perspective we could say that the interventions were necessary and partially effective
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