Comes from the Latin
word which means free,
Liberal is someone who
desires freedom from
something or freedom to
do something. Modern
Liberalism is the desire to
be free from absolute
standards and morals,
especially those of the
Scriptures. Liberalism
usually leads to the
imposed restraint of
government control over
many aspects of life,
resulting in the transfer of
responsibility from the
individual to the state. All
ideas have consequences
and modern liberalism
has had many tragic
consequences -war,
tyranny, despair- for
Conservatism and Positivism
Conservatism: The
opposition of liberalism is
conservatism Is the principle
or practice of conserving
(preserving) established
traditions or institutions and
opposing changes in them
Western conservatism
emphasizes the following
principles: There are
absolutes established by
God, eternal values that need
to be conserved. There is
more to life than this
present, physical world. The
most powerful conservative
force through the ages has
been the Bible
Positivism States
that nothing can
be known except
scientific “facts”.
The study of the mind
Sigmund Freud,
formulated the
psychoanalysis, which
says that subconscious
physical drives or
irrational fears
determine a man’s
action. Ivan Pavlov, J.B.
Watson and B.F. Skinner
formulated the
behavioral psychology,
this denies man’s sinful
nature by reducing man
to the status of an
animal or a machine.
The philosophy that an
idea or an action
should be judged solely
by its results,
regardless of any moral
or Scriptural
The anti philosophy which claims there is
no truth or reality, forcing man to make
his own meaning in an absurd world. It all
began with Soren Kierkegaard, who
taught that all man can do is take a “leap
of faith” into the darkness of the “great
unknown” in hope of achieving some kind
of reality.
Secular Humanism
Secularism is the belief that matters of
morality should be based on consideration
of the well-being of mankind in this present
life, to the exclusion of all considerations
drawn from belief in God or in a future
existence. Humanism, in this context, is
dependence upon man’s reasonings and
feelings alone, with no respect for God’s
authority; ultimately, it is the worship of
The outward union of all churches ,
denominations, and sects into the organization
regardless of doctrinal differences. Influential men
who opposed the fundamentals of Christian faith
were confident that “old-fashioned” belief in the
Bible would soon pass away.
Impressionism became
prominent. Influenced by
empiricism and positivism,
impressionism was an
attempt to capture
momentary, fleeting
“impressions” received by the
physical senses. Pablo
Picasso He emphasized
cubism in which they focused
random geometric forms and
perspectives in their works,
hoping to create a new
“reality” in the viewer's mind.
Abstract Art also became
popular about the same time
as cubism. Abstract artists
sought to do “art for art’s
sake” and express their own
subjectives thoughts and
feelings in a chaotic
arrangement of shapes and
Modern Literature
Socialist Writers These writers rejected
Christianity, ridiculed “middle-class morality”,
praised Communism in Russia, and used their
literary works to promote anti-Christian,
pro-socialist propaganda. George Bernard Shaw
blindly wrote of life in the Communist slave
labor camps. H.G. Wells overlooked the brutality
of Joseph Stalin, and claimed he had “never met
a man more candid, fair, and honest. Upton
Sinclair Wrote several books and tracts that
charges America’s industries with being
“oppressors” of common workers. H.L. Mencken
Ridiculed Christian thought as being out of date
and called small-town American society a
collection of “mass morons”. Sinclair Lewis who
emphasized in his works the “dullness” of
middle-class morality and the supposed
“hypocrisy” of conservative religious leader.
Conservative Writers In the 20th century
several outstanding conservative writers
clearly and convincingly expressed the wisdom
of maintaining traditional standards and
morality. G.K. Chesterton grounded his
mystery stories, essays and other works in
moral absolute and Christian philosophy. J.R.R.
Tolkien wrote works of fantasy, including The
Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series that
taught people to long for truth. George Orwell
graphically portrayed the horrors of the
totalitarian state in his novels Animal Farm
and 1984 Malcolm Muggeridge Rejected his
Fabian socialist background and later
embraced Christianity. C.S. Lewis He excelled
in explaining how the profound truths of the
universe relate to our daily lives. He also
wrote several fantasies (The Chronicles of
Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, Perelandra
etc.) that illustrated the battle between good
and evil and encouraged people to do what
was right according to absolute values. T.S.
Elliot Converted to Christianity after spen
Great Depression
It seemed to many people that the prosperity of the Roaring
Twenties would last forever. But in less than a year, both
America and the rest of the world plunged into one of the
worst economic disasters. October 29, 1929, remembered as
“Black Tuesday,” the bottom fell out of the stock market. Stock
prices plunged downward as a record 16 million shares
changed hands; investors lost $30 billion in a matter of weeks.
The stock market had “crashed” The Great Depression soon
spread to Asia, Europe and other parts of the world, bringing
great hardships to millions of people. Germany was especially
hit hard by the Depression, losing the little gains she had
made through the previous decade.