
Mind map about thermal energy
Blanca Francisco
Mind Map by Blanca Francisco, updated more than 1 year ago
Blanca Francisco
Created by Blanca Francisco over 3 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Thermal energy is a form of energy that is transmitted as heat.
    1. termperature = heat
      1. temperature is the amount of thermal energy
        1. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy.
      2. How does it travel?
        1. CONDUCTION
          1. two objects are in contact
            1. heat is transferred from one object to another
            2. CONVECTION
              1. through gases and liquids
                1. circular movement
                2. RADIATION
                  1. particles aren't needed
                    1. transferred through empty space by electromagenetic waves
                  2. CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS
                    1. CONDUCTORS
                      1. transferred thermal energy easily
                      2. INSULATORS
                        1. don't transferred thermal energy easily
                      3. THE EFFECTS OF HEAT
                        1. SOLIDIFICATION
                          1. MELTING
                          2. CONDENSATION
                            1. EVAPORATION
                            2. EXPANSION
                              1. molecules vibrate
                              2. CHEMICAL CHANGES
                                1. when we cook
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